King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Trump Forces Ramp Up Efforts to Overturn Election Results


Trump and his dead-enders -- as MSNBC is calling them -- are escalating efforts to try to overturn the election results.  Most recently they pressured two counties to refuse to certify their election results.  This, two weeks after the election. After the pressure, the counties gave in.  This is wrong on so many levels, including probably legally.

New York Times writer, Michael Schmidt, has stated that the Trump style -- now so long apparent --  introduces an unknown variable into the process.  I agree very much.  As Americans look to Thanksgiving and Christmas, distraction and fatigue are leading to accidental apathy.  This apathy is itself terribly dangerous.  For as former Governor John Kasich of Ohio energetically urged on national television tonight, the people watching at home must themselves  become leaders in ensuring that the election of 2020 is not, in fact, stolen.  


1 comment:

  1. This apathy of citizenry, whatever the cause, is a drag on the body politic and is becoming an ever-greater problem.


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