King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

Flag USA

Flag USA
Long may it wave



Thursday, November 30, 2023

A Corporations Is Not a Person

 The statement above proclaims a truth.  And yet to say it can engender confusion.  Still it is no prevarication.

At the link below you will find a most useful article about corporate hijacking of the Constitution.  It may well be one of the most important modern articles on the Constitution,  The idea that a corporation is not a person, but rather a collection of individuals seems straight-forward, most obvious.  

But beyond this, it is a construct clever on the surface, but awkward and nonsensical underneath.  It is a false artifice built upon wishful thinking and opportunism.  

The damage done by this single mirage is truly beyond measure.  As you will see in the article the idea has its logic, but is in reality a skewed idea which absolutely skewers the true meaning of a self-governing people.  

The Constituion Is Not a Person

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

TV News Guest Verifies Cracks in the House of Capitalism

 Quickly --

A knowledgeable guest on one of the right-thinking cable news channels last night spoke about the fissures in the OpenAI organization.  He summarized by saying he had never seen anything like this, and further, the concepts of service mankind (Open AI) v. the goals of capitalism (Microsoft) are in conflict to such a degree that capitalism itself is being threatened.  A most interesting interview.

More details later. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Changing Times

 For the observant to say, the times they are a-changin', is an understatement.  To your author here, the statement is cataclysmic -- for real.

For people all around the world there is a palpable undercurrent of uncertainty, even hostility. This simmering pot is experienced in ever so many ways and places -- Ukraine, Gaza, Africa, the streets of America, and other places. 

As for me, the events of the past weeks and months with their felony charges directed at high-level former officials, wars and rumors of wars, democracies threatened -- mostly from organized right-wing groups -- have meant a pause had to be taken in posting here.  For both the quantity and the quality of such events have verily overwhelmed the ability to keep up.  And, also, a blog sometimes seems hardly an adequate medium for such tumultuous happenings.  So, a re-evaluation is occurring in this office.  It will be interesting to see what comes out of this evaluation.  Stay in touch here for the outcome. 

The Profit System: Denouement

 Coming Soon:

A new series of articles on the decline and fall of the profit system

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Operation Saving Democracy: the newest large pro-democracy organization in the United States

 Former military officers and others form new group to defeat Trumpism

A new group of 500 former U.S. officials have banded together to form what looks to be a powerful group fighting to save democracy and essentially defeat fascism.  Members of the new group Operation Saving Democracy spoke on MSNBC yesterday.  If this trio of highly credentialed speakers is any indication, this new organization is sure to be quite helpful in the effort to stop Trumpism.

Even with such powerful voices, I believe more is needed. First, without in any way excusing the far-right, we need to recognize that the pain and suffering of many Americans has deep roots in historic racism, economic and financial systems which suffocate individuals, as well as the diminution of the authority of major institutions, especially the church.

Let us wish Operation Saving Democracy all the best in their patriotic mission. 

Operation Saving Democracy

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

This Is Your Pilot, Bob Reich

In the video linked to below, former Secretary of Labor, Bob Reich, succinctly and brilliantly explains why airplane travel has become unpleasant — and expensive.  The cost of add-ons for services which were formerly included at no extra charge, has led to higher prices, and frustration.  Yet, Secretary Reich says, the  airline companies are flush with cash.

Informative and entertaining:

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Back to the Basics of Good Behavior

The land of the free has become in many instances The Land of the Free-Wheeling.   At this point, your Musical Patriot is reduced to a review of some "rules" of common courtesy.  Since the American culture doesn't seem to care much for "rules," let us call these guidelines.  Here, then, is a short excerpt from a respected book on simple -- but important -- manners.


  A Gentleman Says the Right Thing



A gentleman does not brag.




A gentleman does not whine. 


How to Be a Gentleman.  A Timely Guide to Timeless Manners, by John Bridges. Harper Horizon, 2022, p. 95.


N.  B.   Any similarity to any living person is not necessarily coincidental.  





Friday, August 04, 2023

From the Autocrats' Playbook

 As described in the book Strongmen by Ghiat, the autocrat attempts to set up a political climate in which citizens are afraid to criticize the would-be dictator for fear of what will happen to them if the dictator comes to power.  This hideous tactic used by Hitler, Mussolini, and others, is intimidating and insidious.  All the more reason to openly and strongly oppose the presumptuous tyrant. 

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Saturday Morning Cartoon

Popeye for President 

Surprise special.  Guess who Bluto represents;  and Popeye.


Item is listed as in the public domain.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Franklin Roosevelt's words are important (and much needed) now.

 If American democracy ceases to move forward as a living force, seeking day and night by peaceful means to better the lot of our citizens, fascism will grow in strength in our land.

                                                                                -- Franklin Roosevelt, November 4, 1938

      Let us begin this task of ceaseless work of vigilance and opposition to intolerance.                                                         

Friday, June 16, 2023

Give ‘Em Hell Harry

 President Truman electrifies the 1948 Democratic Convention with powerful and progressive speech.

(Truman went on to win the election, and the Congress returned to Democratic rule.)

Watch this important and inspiring speech here:

The Profit System Is Killing Us

 Coming soon

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Department of Homeland Security Advises on Domestic Terrorism Threat

 At the link below you will find a press release containing a link to today's report on the threat of domestic terrorism in the United States leading up to and perhaps beyond the national election occurring in November 2024.  

Everyone should be very concerned about this threat. 


 Department of Homeland Security Advisory on U.S. Domestic Terrorism


More later

Monday, May 01, 2023

Time to Abolish "Corporate Personhood"

 Beginning --

A concept whose time has come and gone

Some time ago I related here the fact that in 1886, a Supreme Court clerk inserted language into a Court opinion's introduction indicating that a corporation has rights under the Constitution. The idea that a corporation -- which after all is a legal fiction -- has the same rights as a living, breathing human being is preposterous on its face.  

And yet, this notion came to be accepted doctrine over a period of years and now hangs like a legal albatross around the necks of every American.  Details about this quite hideous warping of our jurisprudence can be found in this blog's archives, and elsewhere on the Internet.  

 Surely the time has come to send this so-called principle to the political and legal grave where it so richly belongs.  


I shall return to this subject in the future.   -- TMP

Monday, March 27, 2023

Ten Years Ago on The Musical Patriot

 Re-publishing from 2013 —

Book Is a Serious Indictment of the Official Story of 9/11/01

It has been relatively clear to me for about seven years that the events of September 11, 2001, were brought about at least partly through collusion with elements of the U.S. government.  Now in reading The New Pearl Harbor Revisited by David Ray Griffin, the evidence has been gathered for me in a volume up-dating the original The New Pearl Harbor.  

Thirty pages into this book it was clear to me the facts were that building 7 had been brought down through a controlled demolition.  It did not fall due to fires caused by collateral damage from debris from the Twin Towers, as had been claimed.  

Now, sixty more pages into the book, the official story of a Boeing 757 slamming into the Pentagon is likewise being challenged by numerous eyewitnesses and the forensic evidence.

I will keep you informed about my reading.  However, it is clear a terrible crime occured on September 11, 2001 -- just not the kind of crime we were told.  The real crime involves treason.  

Status of the Musical Patriot

 I have been away from this blog recently due to personal business.  I will return and resume posting soon.

May God bless all the dear children, and may the memory of souls whose lives have been taken too soon be eternal.  

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Breaking News:

 Carl Icahn has just said this on CNBC:  “The system is breaking down”. He further stated that we have poor corporate leadership in this country.

“You say, ‘So what?’  I’ll tell you why so what.”  There is a moral component, he said, then referenced the corporate leaders who are out partying and giving themselves bonuses.

He further stated that there are people running these companies who shouldn’t be there.  “Illumina is a good example of what’s wrong with corporate America.”

More later

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Democracy in Death Watch Some Say

Although not particularly numerous, there are those who believe democracy in America is under threat.  The book shown here, How Democracies Die, details the specific events leading to the current crisis in our country.  

I am grateful that under President Biden, the threat is less. However, the threat remains, and seemingly every inch of ground now has to be fought for.  The details of this can be seen right here on this blog.  But a more detailed, complete, and nuanced guide is given in this tome.  

Not only should every government official read this book, but every citizen should be familiar with it.  Democracies don't just happen, and they do not survive without watchfulness.  


Highly, highly recommended


Friday, January 06, 2023


 House on Fire: GOP Split Stalls Speaker's Vote

All eyes have been focused on the U.S. House of Representatives this week as a rump group of Republican lawmakers effectively blocked the election of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker.  In a country controlled by big-money forces, the democratic process in the House, at least, ground to a practical halt as Republicans failed to agree on a choice for Speaker this week.

As Democrats ate popcorn and sent out smiley emoticons over the Internet, the House struggled to get underway in the new session as it carried the weight of a divided GOP.

This is the result of an election which went to the Republicans in the face of an electorate which cannot find a Republican legislative agenda to support.  As Republicans have failed to present any real policy program there is no real reason to support the party.  Thus, a tepid quagmire has engulfed the flailing Republicans as Democrats watch powerless and concerned from the near-by shore. 

Featured Post

Bill Clinton Warns on Rising Nationalism

Rush Link -- Bill Clinton on Rise of Nationalism