King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Flag USA
Long may it wave



Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Musical Patriot Continues

Announcing New Blog Address

The Musical Patriot is pleased to announce a new blog and host at the link shown below.

Late last week, Google, host of the blog you are now reading, sent out a notice to bloggers indicating that bloggers (in the United States) were now responsible for making sure they were in compliance with a European Union law.  This was something I was totally unprepared to do for two reasons.  First, I had no way of knowing just what the law said.  Second, and most important, as an American citizen I have no obligation to defend or even obey any foreign law while on U.S. soil.

But beyond all that, I became very concerned if such a law as the European Internet privacy act were to be accepted, other measures attempting to tie the hands of American bloggers and bloggers everywhere could follow.  Thus, my stern warning to Europeans to immediately stop accessing this blog.

Now, I am glad to say I have at least a temporary solution.  The fix is represented by the link below.  I I now have a new blog and host.  The new host is handling this issue much better than has Google.

So, I hope you will join me at the new blog, no matter your nationality -- including very much those in European nations.  This welcome will continue to be extended warmly until ill-informed (even if well-meaning) bureaucrats again act to enforce inappropriate restrictions on Internet freedom.

New Blog Address

Friday, May 25, 2018

European Laws Wreak Havoc

Sad and Confused

s mentioned elsewhere on this page, new privacy laws passed by the European Union have been announced in the United States.  These laws have no force in our country, of course.  While I very much sympathize with the desire for privacy on the world-wide web, Google is placing the responsibility for adhering to this European edict on the bloggers.   This is a responsibility I was totally unprepared to accept and deal with.  Thus, most regretfully, I sincerely ask Europeans to temporarily cease their use of this blog.  Failure to comply could endanger the overall availability of this blog.  When and if things are clearer -- and the way is cleared, as well -- I will be glad to welcome Europeans back.  I love you and need you.   Perhaps in the future politicians in Europe and companies in the U. S. will be more thoughtful in their words and actions.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Americans' Income Growth Halted for Some Fifty Years: Time Magazine

Another magazine last week delved into what has gone wrong with the economy.  I am reading the fulsome article by Steven Brill in Time magazine which is replete with facts and figures showing just what has happened to the nation's economy over the last fifty years. 

I'm not sure this article shows the antecedents to the events of 1968-9.  However, there is a large history before any stagnation beginning five decades ago. 

Nevertheless, it is very worthwhile to point out that wages have essentially remained flat since at least 1973.  Thus the expectations of an entire generation for success and fulfillment through the "American way of life," has been seriously stymied.

I'll have more on this important article in an up-date soon.  

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Decimation of the Government of a Republic

Rush post --

U P - D A T E

Terry Gross on the "Fresh Air" radio program today interviewed New Yorker magazine staff writer, Evan Osnos, on the attacks on government as we know it by Our Military Leader.  This was an interview of grave import.

Apparently, there is no audio of this program available on line.  When and if I find such I will let you know. 

In the meantime the Osnos magazine article can be viewed here:
New Yorker Article

Friday, May 11, 2018

The Word Gets Out

Via Patriot in Exigency --  

Today, I had the chance to show a friend the trailer for the Greg Palast movie, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy:  The Stolen Election," at her workplace.  This trailer was a revelation to her as she had not really understood what had actually happened in the fall 2016 election.

It is tragic how little-known the issue of corruption in elections really is.  People have simply assumed they would have been told if there were any major problem.  But in a system which has become corrupted -- which ours surely has -- the truth is usually the first casualty.

And yet the word gets out.  It is a horror the truth comes out in little more than dribs and drabs.  Yet, if direction is important, at least things are moving in the right direction. We need every responsible adult to help get the word out.


Your Musical Patriot has recently had some periodic issues with illness.  There is not danger to life and limb, but the situation has somewhat slowed my out-put.  I hope to be doing better on a more consistent basis in the near future.  Thank you so much for being a reader of The Musical Patriot.

Friday, May 04, 2018

Where Have All the (Young) Fast-Food Workers Gone?

Youth workers in our economy are finding ways to spend their time, whether it be through traditional jobs, or businesses they start on their own, or through money-earning schemes on the Internet.  They are also still working in fast-food restaurants, just at a much-reduced rate.  The story hyper-linked below tells more.

I am fortunate to have some young friends who are good enough to tell me about their work.  Most stories are not cheerful, although they are striving to do their best on the job.

What does seem clear is a major shift is underway, from adolescents and young adults who "must" work in fast-food to a cadre of youthful citizens who are finding other ways to occupy their time whether it be through school, video games, music-making or any number of other ventures.  That is the story the present article doesn't tell.

I hope to have more to report on this matter at a later time.  For the present the Times article gives a good introduction to the new struggles of fast-food restaurant owners and managers.  (Can this just possibly be a good omen?)

Where Have All the (Young) Workers Gone

Later: The Stunning Labor Shortage in Fast Food

Coming soon --  

Fast food restaurants hurting for workers, New York Times reports

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Bill Clinton Warns on Rising Nationalism

Rush Link -- Bill Clinton on Rise of Nationalism