King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Long may it wave



Friday, April 10, 2020

Information Overload

Your Musical Patriot is handling the torrent of information about the economy and the coronavirus fairly well, but only because the job situation has placed him on paid leave. 

As a paid staffer, I am one of the more fortunate Americans, particularly in my field.  Money, though tight, is not a major worry at the moment.  And the extra time and more flexible schedule  has allowed me to keep abreast of the situation better than most.

Still, there are house-work, and errands, and various tasks which must be dutifully tended to, no matter disheveled hair (though even here I mostly have my act together).  Thus, it becomes a matter of priority.   What is most important for my readers?  This is no minor question.

Yet slowly things become clearer:.  For instance the three-pronged plan beginning to be favored by governors.  First, testing must be increased, second, the physical distancing and stay-home policies must be continued in order to help limit the spread of the disease, and third, tracing the path of the virus from victim to victim must begin immediately.

It is this third program which looms largest, as it involves a huge investment of money for workers, training, facilities, and equipment.

The matter always comes back first to leadership, then to money.  With proper leadership such as that provided by Franklin Roosevelt in the Depression and then World War II, great things can happen.  Without effective leadership, the country bobs, and dives, neither sure of its grounding, nor its course.

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