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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Former Sen. Harry Reid Says OML Would Not Be Easy to Beat

Newsmax claims to be "Independent. American."  Those are two good things to be.  Whatever their claim, they do have news about former Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada and his views on OML as well as Senate Republicans in general.

Mr. Reid is making at least two assumptions.   He is assuming the Master of the Oval Office will not be removed from office by either impeachment, resignation, the 25th amendment, or imprisonment.*  (Are there other non-violent ways?)   Ruling out all of these methods of removal might be a little unrealistic.

However, assuming OML is nominated by the Republicans or what is left of them, would he, in fact, be difficult to defeat?  It is something to consider, especially if he is "a very, very smart man," as Mr. Reid says he has come to believe.

Page also includes links to article about the supposed danger of impeachment to Democrats:

Former Sen. Harry Reid Says OML Would Not Be Easy to Beat

*Could a President serve in office even while imprisoned?  This has never seemed a remotely real possibility until this bizarre, unreal [P]residency. 

1 comment:

  1. The idea that an unsuccessful impeachment of OML could hurt Democrats in the long-term has some validity. But events are moving so fast, it is hard to predict just what is going to happen. Already a sudden majority of Americans not only want impeachment, but removal from office.

    Still, if there is any serious chance that an unsuccessful impeachment would be used by OML and his lame supporters, to essentially quash all opposition through a compliant Republican Party, and a news- and profit-hungry media, more -- much more will have to be done in order to right the ship of state.

    I almost shudder to think how much work that would involve. It is best to work on multiple fronts now -- restoring confidence in our elections, registering new voters of conscience, cleaning up campaign finance in states where Democrats have power and elsewhere, and other such strategies.

    But nothing would mean more than media reform -- the abolition of a profit-mongering media system. I'll have more on this particular topic in the future.


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