King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Friday, April 19, 2019

Oh, What a Tangled Web

Like many Americans, I am in process of going through the news items about the Mueller report.  Setting aside for the moment the fact that Our Military Leader was not legitimately put in the White House in the first place, there are already several troubling matters which come to the fore.

The Mueller report, because of its completeness and veracity, is falling into the category of being a work of science.  And like any work of science its product is "worth it."

I don't ever recall Peter Rodino, House Judiciary Committee Chairman, saying of Richard Nixon that he "wasn't worth it," as Nancy Pelosi has said of Donald Trump.  It is true that there is a federal election a year and a half from now.   But that, my dear friends, is a life-time in politics.  The issue is not and should not be Donald Trump.   The issue is the Presidency itself.  The Presidency --  formerly known as the office of leadership of the "free world."   The Presidency -- wherein resided America's greatest aspirations in the form of the most powerful single office in the land.  What of the Presidency?  Is not the Presidency itself "worth it?"   How are we to proceed for another year and a half with this level of demonstrated misconduct, rule-breaking, malfeasance, bullying, and contempt for the Constitution?   Is it not just such a President for which the Founders provided the power of impeachment? 

The process of impeachment neither begins nor ends with the passing of an impeachment resolution by the whole House.  It begins in the Judiciary committee.  So, let the Judiciary committee take up the Mueller report.   Let's have open hearings properly televised so the people can get the information they deserve and then make up their own minds.  Let's have testimony from informed witnesses and the best legal minds, so we will have a basis for any action.  We should not have the Speaker or any other person foreclosing the possibility of impeachment.

Meantime, there is no reason to be hysterical about it either.  Histrionics will not help.   Let us support our Congress, including our esteemed and path-breaking Madam Speaker, as it and she conduct the people's business.   May we continue to celebrate the new People's House under Nancy Pelosi's leadership.   But may we also put a search for the Truth first. 

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