King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Thursday, November 06, 2014

Beginning the Post-Election Analysis

The Christian Science Monitor on line is reporting that exit polls showed vast voter dissatisfaction with the economy.  This dissatisfaction is, of course, very understandable.  Why the Republicans, who after all have had control of the purse in the House of Representatives for the last four years, didn't appear to share the blame is less clear.

There are a couple of major themes to all this which are emerging.  One theme is that of vast dissatisfaction with the direction in which the country is headed, especially regarding the economy.  The President, fairly or not, has take the brunt of the blame in this election.  And for some reason Senate Democrats have borne the blame, but not House Republicans.

This leads to another avenue of investigation I will be pursuing here:  Why this discrepancy?  More specifically, why is Sam Wang reporting the Republicans performed, on average, more than 5% better than polls predicted?!  First, a further question:  Where are the exit polls this time around and what did they predict?  Also, what was voter turn-out?  Last, which party voted in greater numbers?  If you, dear reader have access to any of this data, could you kindly forward it to me via the comment function below?   I and my readers will be most grateful.


  1. The Pew Center for research is reporting that. ...— as in 2010 — an older electorate compared with presidential elections advantaged the GOP.

  2. This would indicate the Democrats need to make protecting Social Security and Medicare a major issue in 2016.


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