King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Flag USA
Long may it wave



Wednesday, February 05, 2014

How Important Is It to Understand What Happened on 9/11/01?

How time changes things.

Ten years ago, the news was full of a "Mission Accomplished"  called back into bloody action in the streets and sands of Iraq.  All because of the "terror" of 9/11.

Have we entered an alternate reality where those days cannot be spoken of?  Is George Bush (the Lesser) now Dwight Eisenhower in memory?  By 1970 Eisenhower was dead, a dim memory.  And when he was remembered the descriptive of "boring" surrounded his name and his era.

Most importantly for our times, are the events of September 2001.  How important is it to know, to really understand what transpired on that fateful day of September 11, 2001?  Longtime readers know of my interest in this subject.  In terms of recent history, in fact, it is the event of our time.  Can understanding the events of that day in any way help us understand what I and others have called the Fascism Lite of now?

It is a big story, this story of fascism and false flags, terror, and media circuses.  For the last nearly eight years this blog has explored many topics, but none so important as the failure of the economic system to meet the needs of all the citizens of the U.S. and, indeed the world.

Let us be about the business of re-discovering the true meaning of freedom, which must -- by definition -- include economic freedom.  Also, justice.  Let us be willing to look and really see, to listen and really hear, to be touched, and really feel.

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