King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Flag USA
Long may it wave



Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Continuing Collapse of Corporate Capitalism

Author Chris Hedges is currently on C-SPAN 2 talking about his new book entitled "Death of the Liberal Class." This is a fascinating and passionate appearance criticizing not so much "penny capitalism" where farmers bring their goods to market, or regional capitalism which involves single individuals owning a factory or a local hardware store -- but corporate capitalism. He warns that credit is no longer available to most people the way it was, and food is hard to find in many inner cities because, costing so much, it is not even sold there.

This is a wonderful appearance. The link to his book is provided below. You may also see his book by clicking on the post title above.


  1. A listener comments that Chris Hedges' viewpoint is despairing and hard to take.

    Mr. Hedges responds that he is not the cause of the disease, but rather only the messenger.

  2. Hedges does not care to respond to a questioner who is interested in the subject of 9/11/01, saying it is a complicated topic and ultimately he does not completely know what happened. He does say he investigated the movements of Attah and is convinced Attah was involved in the 9/11/01 event.


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