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Saturday, February 20, 2010

George Carlin on the "9/11 Truth Movement"

The comic and the serious are close relations, now more than ever. So, even though unusual for this blog, I present George Carlin speaking about what happened on September 11, 2001. I don't agree with Mr. Carlin about the Kennedy assassination, but his comments about the powers-that-be ring true.

Up-dated June 30, 2013:  You Tube informs this video no longer exists.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Thanks for posting this. Our society is becoming increasingly strange!

    Flight 253 is no longer in the mainstream news (except for The Detroit News), but recent congressional testimony (Patrick F. Kennedy, Jan. 27) makes it clear that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was permitted to board that flight by intelligence agencies that had him under observation.

    What did they hope to accomplish? Perhaps, like 9/11, another false flag event to shape our geopolitical future?

    Sibel Edmonds, the “most gagged person” in our history has just published an article in Hustler magazine (March issue), exposing high level corruption in our government and naming names. Why Hustler? Because the mainstream media won’t touch her story!

    Her sworn testimony can also be found on the Internet.

    Daniel Ellsberg has proclaimed that Edmonds’ information is “far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers.”

    Is this really all so strange? To maintain an empire, even one that is driving us to moral and financial ruin, the people must always be subjected to propaganda and censorship.

    If you are interested in some basic truths see:
    and watch "9/11 Blueprint for Truth." It will knock your socks off.

    The 9/11 Truth movement needs music to help spread the information - but sadly, it doesn't have any.


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