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Monday, December 15, 2008

Mores v. Law

Below, I have included a quote from a comment to an article found today on Truthout on the web. The writer's comments echo those of the author of the current quote here on The Musical Patriot. Of course, the rule of law must be restored. (The original writer, Marc Ash, is writing about the need to restore the rule of law after the Bush administration. Those of us who have supported the impeachment of Bush and Cheney thought it was vital to restore the rule of law as soon as possible.) It is worth pointing out that values, or what is sometimes called natural law are the underpinning of any great society. Indeed, the western world is struggling to hold on to a minimal set of values. Those values are still reflected in our Constitution and our great Declaration of Independence. The more we hold up these values, the more we secure our future both for ourselves and, as an exemplar, for the whole world.

The article by Mr. Marc Ash can be found at the URL below the quote.

From < truthout.org >

Mon, 12/15/2008 - 21:32 — Herman Rottinghuis (not verified)
Dear Sir, That is an inspiring article. However, I beg to differ with you on one point. Where you say "Nothing could be more critical to the restoration of American democracy than the restoration of the rule of law.", I would rather believe the end of that phrase should read: ".... the restoration of Mores". As a lawyer I know that falling back on the rule of law is the ultimate remedy when Morality and Mores have sorrily failed.


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