King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Friday, July 25, 2008

House Judiciary Committee Holds Strong Hearing

I was so privileged today to listen to a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the so-called Imperial Presidency. There were several wonderful speakers including Dennis Kucinich, Elizabeth Holtzman, Bruce Fein, and Vincent Bugliosi. All four gave ringing calls for impeaching George Bush. Bugliosi was particularly fiery in calling for Bush to be prosecuted for murder in the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Contrast my report with what I just read at the National Public Radio web site:

...The House Judiciary Committee heard testimony on Friday from Democrats who would like to see Congress impeach President Bush, even though there is no chance that will happen.

This sentence would be laughable if it weren't coming from such a source. Who knew NPR had a crystal ball? If such a sentence were true it would only be because, unlike in the era of Watergate, the major media in this country have so abdicated their responsibilities as to be accessories to a rising authoritarian state. (For evidence see elsewhere on this blog.)

We must not be dissuaded by the nerveless media. They would have predicted a hearing such as today would never have happened yet it did. I hope whoever wrote this sentence at NPR will be able to look himself or herself in the mirror because this person is a traitor to the cause of the rule of law in this country. Support for this statement is the hearing itself. (You should be able to watch an archive presentation at < >.

1 comment:

  1. Here is the text of an e-mail I just sent to NPR:

    Moments ago I read on line about the Judiciary Committee hearing today on the limits of Presidential power. I listened to almost all of the six hours. The witnesses were very persuasive. I was interested to read that -- according to NPR -- there is "no chance" that impeachment will occur. Upon what is this statement based -- exactly? I was not aware NPR had a crystal ball. Bruce Fein and others testified that a fairly quick impeachment process can be held, as most of the evidence is already a matter of public record. Did your writer watch the hearing? Elizabeth Holtzman made clear that in 1973, no one could have predicted a House committee would recommend impeachment. It is not your place to prognosticate that impeachment has "no chance." This is speculation only and does not deserve a place in a straight news report, either on line or over the air.


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