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Friday, January 04, 2008

Impeaching the Media -- Part 1

Sound and Fury Signifying Nothing

The media world is today full of energetic mouthings about revolutions. No, the Sunnis are not back in power in Iraq, and, no, the son of Benazir Bhuto has not unseated Musharaf. They are referring to the "stunning victory" of Senator Barrack Obama in Iowa, accompanied by the "impressive victory" of M. Huckabee. However, even more surprisingly neither man actually won Iowa, as can be shown. Writer Scott Galindez wrote convincingly several days ago that the caucuses held last night are only the first step in the actual selection of delegates which, according to Galindez, will not actually occur until June.

Readers of Naomi Wolf's important and urgently-relevant book The End of America know that there is something of far more concern than these primaries and caucuses. For in a fascist shift, elections become a point of pride to those doing the shifting as a means of hiding the evidence of the closing down of an open society. As "far-out" as all this may seem, Wolf's assertions are borne out by my own independent research and by her own sources.

Thus I plead with readers of this web log to get her book and be enlightened. Although difficult and perhaps painful in one sense, reading this book can save a person from much confusion and wasted effort. Happy reading.

Information on Iowa delegate selection process:

im·peach (im p"chÆ), v.t.
1. to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct in office.
2. Chiefly Law. to challenge the credibility of: to impeach a witness.
3. to bring an accusation against.
4. to call in question; cast an imputation upon: to impeach a person's motives.
5. to call to account.

-- from Random House dictionary

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