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Friday, March 16, 2007

Global Warming Contrarians

In recent weeks I have begun to read alternative reports on the issue of global warming, otherwise know as climate change. These reports run counter to the assertion that the rise in world-wide temperatures over the last century or so are primarily caused by human activities, specifically through the issuance of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Now comes a documentary from Channel 4, the public affairs broadcast station in Great Britain. The page linked below tells more and includes a further link to the documentary. At the time of this writing I have not yet viewed the video. However, this documentary is not the first time I have been exposed to the viewpoint that many scientists claim global warming is actually primarily being caused by an increase in solar activity as part of a naturally-occuring cycle.

As this is a blog and not an on-line encyclopedia, I claim no special right of veracity on this issue. However, I am convinced of the necessity to take a closer look at this issue before coming to a conclusion.

I close with a statement from an engineer from Brazil by the name of Frangetto, who has been researching this topic. His view is his own and does not necessarily represent the view of this blog. I offer it as an additional viewpoint on the subject.


Global Warming has many causes: solar activity, the cycle of Earth's inclination each 25,000 years, CO2 production, for example. I´m studying this in very deeply. I don't know Gore, I am not anti-Gore, and I don't like conspiracy theories. America has many of them (web sites with this bad information, too).

I believe in one practical fact, this is real:

-My city doesn't have winter any more. The temperatures is 5 degrees Celsius above last year.
-The ocean,... near my home, is up 2 meters. Last year the sea reached the street. The people were scared.

Global warming has this origin:

-North America and Europe burn coal to produce Electricity. The factories burn oil to produce thermal energy in these reactors (industries not nuclear). The US is the worst country in Pollution.
-Europe, Asia, and China are second. The production of Electric Energy is the problem.

-Cars, trains, planes, etc. in the world create 30% of the pollution. The US political decision to add 20% ethanol in Gasoline is a market for Latin America to combat Hugo Chavez's Influence. 20% of 30% is only 6% better global pollution. We need to reduce much more than this in a few years.

-Brasil has a problem, too. We BURN our pastures to seedling new cultures. I don't talk of cutting the forests because all countries do that in the past (America, Europe, etc...)....



Next week: I plan to deal further with the firings of United States attorneys, an issue I have already dealt with here earlier.

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