Rush lightly edited post —
Earlier here, I wrote about the danger of abolishing the electoral college. If anything, we should be strengthening it.
Better yet, I like the idea of strengthening the Electoral College without beginning citizen participation in the election process. I have some ideas for how this can be done, most of which I will need to put in a future post. According to the constitution except state legislature to decide how to select the electors who will vote for president. This message was put in constitution for a reason. Notice that in this system in any processes, Democratic, baseline is that the lecturer will be selected by people who sell it, been selected by the people.
The other thing which can be done, is to educate. If people knew that the founders understood that not only did the people need to be protected from the government, but the people need to be protected from each other — would likely have more of an appreciation of the fragility of democracy. There would likely be fewer hysterical people, less mud-slinging, and less fewer credible threats to our Democratic system .
With Increasingly apocalyptic language coming from our former leader, this matter has become critically important.
More to come