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Friday, March 01, 2013

A Fitful, Petulant Boehner Walks Out, Confuses World

How can we say anything other than that the Speaker of the House is acting like little more than a high school sophomore Republican Club underling?*  This is not to say the man doesn't have even weaker underlings cheering him on.  This tragi-comedy is made little better by a U.S. President, who unlike Harry Truman, will give nothing approaching the heat of hell, though he does at least try to give the truth. 

*I happen to know one and I like him much better than Boehner! 

Boehner Talks and Quits

Washington Troubles America and Confuses the World:

1 comment:

  1. As has been noted, the President agreed to the threat of a sequester as part of the budget deal of 2011. Yet somehow, blaming him for this is a little like blaming a kid for crying "Uncle!", when the neighborhood bully pins him to the sidewalk.


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