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Monday, May 07, 2007

The French Election

The French Election: A Poem

There was an election in France.
Many people got very excited and came out to vote.
This was even after the pundits in America said, It is a foregone conclusion.
The fascist will win.
After the election there was more emotion -- vast and exuberant cheering and --
Sorrow and disgust.
After the election the very nice man on NPR said
Now that France and Germany have rulers with similar views
It is hoped the economy of Europe will get moving again.
This is what the very nice man on NPR said.
This was in spite of the new French ruler's declaration
That people must work harder now, and maybe for less money
And have shorter vacations
And less job security.
This he said was patriotism.
And, oh, by the way,
Enough of the silly criticism of American fascism.
Now that we are fascist, too, what does it matter?
We are ever so alike now.
But, it seems, again, there is disquietude.
The important and smooth have declared victory.
But the people know better.
Deeply they know better.
They will see.
And they will have regret.
In the fullness of time, as the prophet said.
The world is for this seeing,
A seeing which will be ever so useful,
Humbly yet glowingly radiant.
In the fullness of time, the fullness of time.

-- Your Musical Patriot

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