King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Long may it wave



Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Vice-President of Torture

This is the moniker given by many to the man who twice took the oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States as Vice-President. That he is now known by such a nickname casts a shameful pall over the United States.

Now, however, it appears that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald may be zeroing in on Richard Cheney's actions in the Plame affair. As I read the latest report from Truthout, it appears Karl Rove may have been persuaded to turn state's evidence in the case. Of course, we can only speculate at this point. But is it possible -- just barely possible -- that Cheney has become a target of the Fitzgerald investigation? There is no way of knowing for sure due to the high level of secrecy of the Fitzgerald investigation. In any event, with approval ratings below twenty per cent, R. Cheney's days would seem to be numbered as Vice-President.

One of my most challenging tasks as a citizen and as a friend over the last several years has been to encourage people to see that the future of our country is in our hands. I mean this in a very real way. What we have been lacking is information due to the cowardice of the press, especially after September 11, 2001. Without information, it has been virtually impossible for busy American citizens, worried about not only the price of gas, but also about bearded middle-Eastern men who may be using the job at the local convenience store to plan blowing up your beautiful local city hall -- to have a real sense that things can change.

Now, however, I am aware of rather intensive behind-the-scenes efforts to deal appropriately (and non-violently, of course) with the cancer which does indeed surely attend this current administration. I hope to say more about this in the future.

For now, I invite your prayers (if you are at all religious), and your concern. Soon, even more clearly than today, we will all be called upon to make a personal choice about what kind of country we want this to be: one ruled by large corporations -- that is, the wealthy few -- or the many citizens of this country who do indeed work hard and play by the rules. Again, this is a subject I hope to return to in future days.

As Al Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth, makes clear, there is not much time before major damage is done to this very earth. Corporations run amuck are in one sense a very major cause of this environmental endangerment. These are the same corporations, such as Enron, which have funded and propped up through the corporate media this White House administration with its attendant Cheney operation.

Let us be rid of these usurpers, these bringers of gloom, these imposters, these men worse than traitors.

In coming days I intend to offer evidence to support such sharp language. Our Republic, this great nation, is in danger. We can and must decide to save her, our dear America.

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