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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Opinion: European Elections Not a Harbinger for U.S.

 But They Are a Warning

Elections for the European Union parliament boosted far right parties in several countries in recent days. Newsweek magazine called it a harbinger. I disagree.  For one thing, the US has a completely incompetent politician and insurrectionist runnng for a major party nomination. Polls show the incumbent president picking up strength in numerous battleground states at this time.

However, nothing should be taken for granted in politics. It is dangerous for any major political party to give second-rate attention to the economy. While I do not expect the Democratic Party to do that, I am still not sure they understand the depths of disquietude among the electorate regarding our economic future.  

Nevertheless, through the authoritative voice of Miriam-Webster, a harbinger is something which foreshadows (predicts) a future event. Setting aside for the moment the difficulty of predicting the future, as such, this precludes the formation of a harbinger this many months from the November election.

But that does not mean that the events in Europe do not raise concerns. At this time, an overwhelming majority of voters in the world did not personally experience Hitler and fascism in countries in Europe in the 30s and 40s.  We must beware ignorance first and foremost among the vices.  This caution should be taken with utmost seriousness by everyone.

Coming soon: The future of elections in the United States are in the hands of the individual, says commentator.

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