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Monday, August 01, 2022

After 9/11

 By capturing the referees [such as judges], buying off or enfeebling opponents, and rewriting the rules of the game. elected leaders can establish a decisive -- and permanent -- advantage over their opponents.  Because these measures are carried out piecemeal and with the appearance of legality, the drift into authoritarianism doesn't always set off alarm bells.  Citizens are often slow to realize that their democracy is being dismantled -- even as it happens before their eyes. 

                                                                                   -- How Democracies Die

This is so important to understand now -- in America and around the world.There is a common old phrase:  pulling the wool over the eyes.  But how do tyrants accomplish this?  First, as the authors make clear, the stage is often set on a background of a functioning democracy.  Next, there is some sort of crisis, either real or manufactured, which unites the country based on fear for one's very life.  Then, the would-be autocrat pushes through measures to "protect" the country  At this time, citizens are usually too frightened to protest much, if at all.


There is more to this oft-told tale of history.  But the outline is pretty much the same.  In the case of the United States, Levitsky and Ziblatt point to the aftermath of the events of September 11, '01, when control measures and a spying apparatus were enacted such as never would have been tolerated in America otherwise.  


Please do not think tyranny could not happen here, for in some measure, it is already here.  And we came terrifyingly close to making it a permanent situation on January 6, 2001.  I encourage all readers to take this with the utmost seriousness.  Become informed, then work non-violently to ensure America never yields to the ugly blackness of fascism.  





1 comment:

  1. More information on the USA PATRIOT Act can be found here:


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