Dear Readers Everywhere,The United States government has entered into what shows every sign of being A protracted state of crisis. With the House of Representatives subpoenaing documents as part of their legitimate power, and the Military Leader (President) stonewalling every attempt by Congress to interview the important actors in the Russian influence-peddling investigation, these two facets of the government are at loggerheads.
Making matters next-to-impossible, the media is heavily involved -- not in helping to solve the crisis -- but in giving each side "equal weight and treatment." This approach puts the media as both victim and propagator of the crisis of paralysis.
The only thing left to do is appeal to world opinion. The United States government will not be able to solve the crisis by itself under the current circumstances. And the media has so much power, the American people will not be able to solve it either.
Of course, given enough time any intractable problem can be solved. The problem here is the impasse is threatening to carry over into election year. Even though Our Military Leader is corrupt, incompetent, and thoroughly contemptuous of the Constitutional system, this Gordian knot will defy untangling for a long time to come. At the very least the creates a miasma of confusion. At worst, it prevents clear action.
Our only hope is that the International community of nations will begin to apply appropriate pressure. Naturally, anything which threatens the security of the United States can and must be opposed. But world opinion can be powerful. That is what eventually undid Hitler.
Please do not overly rely on the Internet to bring pressure to bear. This technology is much too fragmented and diffuse for such a purpose. If you want to send a polite, respectful, constructive e-mail to your democratically elected leaders, you are encouraged to do so. Letters, and phone calls can also be constructive. I will try to come up with some sort of suggested template (although creating a different one for each country will be a challenge). Just don't expect that reading online and posting online will alone do the trick.
Also, I would like to make contacts who can help translate into other languages.
So this is an outline for action. Please help America. We the people did not elect this president, he is very unpopular, but is being propped up at this time by corporations, including very much the corporatized media.
Be thoughtful, be strategic. Any legitimate, responsible support is welcome.
The link below will take you to an article which shows a faction of the international community beginning to take action. This is very encouraging.