King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Wednesday, July 02, 2014

The Republican Effort to Usurp the Power of the Presidency

In case anyone needs a refresher, this is not the way our system of government is supposed to work. Congress passes the laws, and the president implements them. Congress does not have the ability to pass and implement their own laws. For decades, the courts have agreed that presidents have the power to implement the law. The only requirement is that they must implement the law within a reasonable period of time.*

Republicans in Congress now have a new proposal they call the ENFORCE Act.  This act would allow Congress to decide just how the laws are to be executed, a clear violation of the Separation of Powers principle of the Constitution.

Ironically, there may actually be grounds for Impeachment, if it comes to that.  For instance, does the President have the power to send attack drones into countries we are not at war with?  Does the President have the right to order the killing of an American anywhere in the world?  Has the President reined in agencies which have spied on the American people through what is called mega-data?

But these are not the issues the Republicans are interested in.  They want to stop programs and efforts which will help the American people but "burden" their rich friends.  Certainly there are Republicans who sincerely believe they are doing the right thing.  Unfortunately, those currently providing the bulk of the funding for the Republican Party care only for protecting their own wealth.  This is what is driving this new Republican fiasco machine in the House of Representatives.  

*   Republicans Try to Usurp Power of the President 

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