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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Jimmy Carter Speech Boycotted by American Press

In following up on yesterday's post I find that no major U.S. media reported on the speech Pres. Carter gave at a German-American relations group meeting last year.  I plan to have further details on the speech soon. However, neither the American press nor the outlet which reported on the speech, Der Spiegel have provided a complete transcript.  Thus, the quotes which have been given are not in context, leaving much to be desired.

What this episode does tell us is the American press and media don't care much about democracy.  For in the speech Mr. Carter is quoted as saying the United States does not have a functioning democracy at this point in time.  You would think the press would jump on this quote.  Afterall, there is no mid-ground here. Either Pres. Carter is right, or he's wrong.  Either way, it is a very newsworthy statement.  Since there is no evidence Carter has lost his mind, perhaps it is the press which have lost theirs.

But the main issue is, the evidence is mounting.  A functioning democracy is not to be seen in the U.S. these days.  The meaning of this is profound, the implications grave.  History has seen this before with every previous democracy.  The United States has been the longest-lasting democracy.  If its democracy is no longer functioning, Americans must get busy and correct course -- and soon.

A good start is reading blogs such as this one which attempt to clarify the matter.  Not enough people ask the kinds of questions needing to be asked in order to restore and even strengthen mass democracy within America.  Too many people are willing to enjoy the entertainment culture, while millions of Americans are hungry and under-nourished.

What is the relationship between the profit system and hunger?  Is it possible the system itself is responsible? If huge corporations are not checked (and indeed they have gotten themselves named as [human] persons under the law) can we guarantee that some will not starve?  There are many more such questions which can be asked.  One is:  can democracy and the profit system really exist together on a permanent basis?

We can thank Jimmy Carter for his observations. Now it is incumbent upon us who live in this country to understand as much as we can.  I, myself, will continue to work toward this end.    

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