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King Donald
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Monday, January 27, 2014

Have Pity on the Fascist Apologists

Actually, this admonishing is part tongue-in-cheek.  For those in America who support this highly corrosive, destructive economic system called the profit system, or capitalism, often do not realize they are, in fact, supporting fascism.  For fascism is the tying together of the profit motive with the government to attempt to present a solid phalanx against all competitors to the system of over-weaning greed which is our model.  Whatever the level of consciousness, or perhaps manufactured non-seeing, there are millions of people today who support to one extent or another what might be called Fascism Light. 

As part of my continuing looking at fascism I am today focusing a bit on the role of a capitalist motive within a fascist government.  Now, of course, I am not saying that the U.S. President is a Hitler.  However, I do sometimes hear echoes of the old Nazi Party seated in the Bundestag -- grabbing for power within a failing Weimar Republic -- in our own U.S. House

At this point, I only have the time and resources to toss out certain ideas which may have the reader think.  A fuller and more careful analysis will have to await another day.  But let it be said clearly that you don't have to have the storm troopers, and the gas chambers, to have fascism.  There are different forms and intensities of fascism.  And what we have in the U. S. and certain places around the world is a rather lighter form of fascism.  However, this makes it all the more pernicious, as it is more easily disguised as something else. 

Perhaps you can fill in your own details from your own country.  Perhaps what I say has a ring of truth to it.  If so, I encourage you to continue your thinking along these lines:  suppose there were a way to diminish the power of oligarchical corporations to a point where they no longer could twist policies and public debates to their advantage.  Let us imagine this as a prelude to reality.  For today's supposition, is tomorrow's goal, and next year's reality. 

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