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King Donald
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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Shooter Reportedly Had Secret Clearance

According to the article below the shooter in yesterday's horrible rampage had "Secret clearance" from the U.S. military along with a military-issued I.D. card. Nothing can excuse such sordid action as displayed by Alexis and my heart goes out to the families of the victims. At the same time, this event does call into question again the extensive use of private contractors working in secure areas of our military. I urge that the official investigations of this tragic incident include the issue of just how thoroughly employees of private contractors are checked out before being issued Secret clearance.


  1. According to the CNN report, Tim Clemente, a former FBI counter-terrorism officer, noted that "problems aren't limited to just contractors.... 'Look at Hasan at Fort Hood.'"

  2. Again from the CNN report:

    "In the 12 years since the September 11 attacks, the United States has ramped up contracting to support new defense and intelligence efforts.

    "The government awarded about $517 billion in outsourcing contracts in the most recent fiscal year -- not including many contracts awarded by the NSA and other intelligence agencies, which keep their spending classified."


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