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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What, or Who, Is In the Cabinet?

Pundit discussions over the last couple of weeks have focused on who is in and who is out of the cabinet.  Expected departures include Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, and Timothy Geitner. 

What some are asking is What does it all mean?  Are we to see a more progressive cabinet, or more of the same?  This is a beginning question, and as such, not a bad one.  A better question is what kind of country are we to have?  And we should begin answering that with another question:  What kind of country have we become and do we like it?

Polls have consistently shown for something going on five years (!) that most Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction.  Those kind of poll numbers are unsustainable.  Something has to give, as they say. 

Will the changes in the cabinet send us in a better direction?  The cabinet replacements suggested invovle honorable men, though Chuck Hagel was accused of having close ties with the voting computer company which counted the votes when he ran for office out of Nebraska.  So there is a kind of cloud over that announced nominee.  Sen. Kerry is probably more experienced and knowledgeable in foreign affairs than Hillary Clinton. 

Yet, the same economic system -- called either capitalism, or the profit system -- continues to grind on, and to grind us down.  At present I am reading about the 1930s in America and will have more to say about the relation of that frightful time and the terrors of our own time later.  For now, it should be clear that the system is broken and the country needs a graceful, non-violent, and just revolution of purpose and plan. 

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