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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Biden to the Rescue

JOE BIDEN RIDES TO THE RESCUE.  Such might be the lead in a western newspaper were Vice-President Biden running in 1884.  Mr. Biden is being hailed as a savior, a fix-it man, a populist guru, and maybe a western sheriff in the wake of President Obama's debate performance last week.  As I have been saying all week, the fault lies not so much in the stars, or with Mr. Obama, but in our system.  A system which could produce someone so opportunistic, untruthful and simply rude as a Willard Romney is itself the problem.  (See earlier recent posts here for more commentary and resources.)  But to hear the pundits yammering, one would have thought we were talking about a boxing match, not a debate among two men who wanted to be President of the United States. 

Let us hope Mr. Ryan's inner tiger will be tamed by tonight's moderator.  Even George Foreman would have trouble defending against an actual tiger in the ring.   Mr. Biden is a seasoned politician, and should prove to be a shrewd debater.  But let us also hope -- most sincerely -- that the moderator and the debate format will provide for an event somewhere within bounds of the civilized universe, unlike last week's factoid food fight.

Sen. Sherod Brown on Where the Democrats Stand

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