King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Long may it wave



Monday, June 25, 2012

No News That's Fit to Print

In a take-off on The New York Times, my junior high school's newspaper heading had the statement, "All the news that fits we print."  This was quite clever for junior high students.  

As for this blog, I cannot print all the news that fits, since in the computer age there seems to be endless space. 

I do, however, try to print things of value.  Recently, in addition to a somewhat busy traveling schedule, there has been little of a constructive nature from the usual sources to pass along .

The most hopeful thing in this election year summer is a sense of urgency among the people, and a sense of possibility.   Elections are always the most terrifying time for the oligarchs (God bless their souls).  There is more than the usual sense that no one of the two "major" candidates is going to change things much, although I happen to believe a Romney, coming out of a party with a strong far-right pressure group, would be disastrous not only for the economy, but for civil rights.  Remember the smiling G. W. Bush, eating ice cream cones with the children and promising compassionate conservatism?  What did we get?  Terror and  economic calamity.  The moral:  beware Republicans wearing smiles. 

As I have said about other candidates of this nature, I imagine Mittens (the nickname given Romney by certain on-line posters) is a good enough family man, though even here, Who's to say?

But in addition to the feeling that the candidates are not equipped to deal with the economy as we know it, there is a developing feeling that we the people can indeed be the change we wish to see.  At least with a Democrat in the White House, there is not quite the same level of fear there was under Bush.  The Occupiers of America have shown us that perhaps there is not so much to fear, not even from arrest, if it is suffered in the right way! 

So, here's to an America which can yet be!  We still have the Declaration of Independence.  We still have good people with energy, skills, knowledge, and talent.  All we need is motivation and leadership.  These last two can be the subject of coming posts. 

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