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Monday, May 09, 2011

Ministers Decry Rejoicing Over Death of bin Laden

Note: Normally I shy away from religious issues and topics. With the death of Osama bin Laden, an exception is appropriate.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch has today printed an article describing the views of several pastors in the area who have decried the public cheering over the death of Osama bin Laden. I share the criticism by the pastors over this celebrating of the death of a human being. Traditional Christian teaching says that everyone is a child of God, yet all have gone astray. The first statement is represented by the commandment to "love one another." The second leads to a doctrine of forgiveness.

Forgiving does not mean denying the reality of sin. But if all are sinners, all may lay claim to forgiveness. (A major exception is the traditional Presbyterian doctrine of pre-destination. However, quite a few Presbyterians do not actually believe in the doctrine.)

Without going any deeper into theology, a field I have studied but am not an expert in, it can be said that the cheering of the death of any individual is more than suspect. We can say that in every foreseeable case, the forced death of anyone is tragic, and many would say wrong prima facie.

All the evidence we have seen points to guilt for Osama bin Laden. But if America had been so sure of his guilt, why not capture him alive and bring him to trial? This was too difficult? Then we have a failure of American leadership and diplomacy. For any criminal of this nature should be tried in court, as was Milosevich.

People are not mere animals to be exterminated. Along the religious line again, "'Vengeance is mine,' says the Lord." Let us not disdain the teaching of the wise patriarchs of Bible times.

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