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Monday, July 28, 2008

Hillary Clinton for President

At the link below you should find a video of Sen. Clinton on the floor of the Senate recently speaking passionately and articulately about the energy situation in our country. (You may also click on the title above.) I ask this question: Can anyone honestly watch this video and not be impressed by the high quality of this person's mind? Can anyone doubt her sincerity? The passion, reasoned though it is, is unmistakable. Would we not want a person such as this in the White House?

Careful readers of my blog and e-mail will recall I have pointed out Hillary Clinton suspended her campaign but did not end it. Other observers of the political season have compared the current situation to the summer of 1932 in which FDR went to the Democratic convention without the requisite number of votes to earn the nomination. It was only on the fourth ballot he became the nominee. Today, neither Barack Obama or Sen. Clinton has garnered the required number of pledged delegates to win the nomination. Super delegates are not bound to any candidate and may change their minds up to the moment of voting. Thus there has been the effort by Just Say No Deal and the Denver Group to ensure Hillary Clinton is duly nominated at the Denver convention and that a fair vote is held.

In the last two months, the economy has continued to seriously sour. Major banks are failing. Gas prices are soaring. Consumer confidence has sunk. It is clear circumstances are much different than they were a year ago when the primary season was beginning. The kind of candidate who was acceptable then is not acceptable now. That is, we need experience and smarts -- and leadership. I believe Hillary Clinton has these requirements and must be assured of a fair nomination and vote at the Convention. I believe Super Delegates must reconsider their stance in light of new information. We must not fall victim to locked-in thinking. Let the conventioneers do their job. Let them hear the speeches on behalf of the candidates. And let them make their choice based on what is truly best for the welfare of this wonderful American country, the United States.

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