King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Long may it wave



Monday, June 16, 2008

A Swirl of Events

Events in the U.S. and beyond have been in a swirl of late. Over the last several days, besides being busy with work, I have been reading and trying to sort through the latest news. There is much to write about. Instead of focusing on one thing in depth I will mention a few items I am working on.

But first, regarding media criticism: We have been "treated" these last few days to a level of coverage over the death of one of the media's own which rivals the coverage given to the death of Ronald Reagan. While Tim Russert was undoubtedly a commendable person in many ways, with a fairly keen mind, it does seem that had he not been a member of the media but had remained a Congressional aide he would not have warranted such a quantity of air time. Nevertheless, with all due respect, God rest his soul.

My research in Armed Madhouse by Greg Palast indicates almost no one is telling the truth about the oil and gas situation. And unfortunately I do not have the time to go into it all here, but must refer persons to the book. However, Palast makes clear that the purpose of the oil companies has been to keep Americans away from Iraq's oil. (Again, the details can be found in the book.) Thus, although much more oil could be put on the market, it will not as long as someone like G. W. Bush, John McCain, or (sad to say) Barack Obama is in power. (Of course one can hope that a President Obama would have a change of heart. But his comments now are not indicating anything other than an acceptance of high gas prices for a long time to come!) This unconscionable situation is also unnecessary. In the long run any politician who accepts it is asking for political trouble.

This leads to a discussion of Sen. Hillary Clinton. I am going to make some brief comments here and plan to follow up soon. Although the attempt is being made to quash the feelings of people, there is considerable anger among Hillary Clinton's supporters. This is made evident by the web site by some rather desperate individuals who have put up a web site of Hillary supporters for McCain (not the way to go!). The last anyone heard, Sen. Clinton was claiming to have bested Sen. Obama in the popular vote. In fact, she was claiming to have received more votes than any Presidential candidate in history. If this is the case, why, then, is she not the expected nominee? We have a situation in which -- as feared -- the superdelegates are making a decision which runs counter to the will of the people. Down the line this spells trouble. As my research continues I hope to say more about this matter.


The Musical Patriot

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