King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Let Them Say It Isn't So

Invoke an External and Internal Threat

The first tactic of right-wing totalitarianism is to create both an external and an internal threat to the country. This is what Hitler did, and Mussolini before him, for Hitler learned from Mussolini. For Hitler the threats internal and external were numerous. The most-remembered supposed threat were the Jews. But there were other threats: intellectuals, homosexuals, gypsies, foreign powers, and later anyone who simply opposed Hitler.

The neo-cons of our country, being astute learners from history, have used this same tactic. Regardless of what one thinks of the origins of the attack on sites in America on September 11, 2001, the Bush administration took full advantage to clamp down on civil liberties and to attempt to quash dissent. (Remember the admonition not to be critical of the President in a moment like this?) In the years since there have been numerous terror alerts. There were allegations -- since proven false -- of al Qaeda "cells" operating within the U.S. Then there were charges that Iraq was capable of launching nuclear attacks against this country -- since shown to be preposterous.

The message of all this is, if you get a populace frightened enough of "enemies" they will accept limits on their liberties. At this point, you, the ruler, are much freer to do as you please. This has been done in America these last years. Needless to say, it is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

(Information source: The End of America by Naomi Wolf, and other works)

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