King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Who Owns the Government?

They can try to have their votes of no confidence, but it's not going to determine who serves in my government. George W. Bush

I have begun a study of American government utilizing our local world-class library. However, I do not need a book to tell me that in America the people are supposed to own the government. Thus when a President refers to the government as his government it is extremely disturbing. It is clear this President while speaking in Bulgaria yesterday regarding the attempted Gonzales no-confidence vote was not speaking as a citizen. He was speaking as the President, declaring no one but himself has any right to determine who serves in his government. It is true the Supreme Court ruled many years ago that only the President can fire a cabinet officer once appointed. Yet, the President declared that only he can determine who serves. Misstatement or not, words matter. Congress still retains the right of advice and consent for all nominations.

And who decided that the President owns the government? This is the question which follows from the President's statement. It should be clear by now that this President and those who put him in office care nothing for government by the people, unless it should jibe with their wealth agenda. Let us be clear and let us remain on guard.

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