King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Long may it wave



Monday, March 05, 2007

The Idea Behind the British Empire Lives On

Over the course of the last few years, I have slowly come to the realization that the economic principles which supported the British Empire for centuries were not extinguished in the years following World War II. Like most Americans I have tended to uncritically accept that America successfully freed herself for all time from British rule during the Revolutionary War.

What I have come to see rather recently, however, is that powerful forces in England never accepted this outcome and from the beginning set out to recapture the colonies, if not politically, at least economically. After over two hundred years of steady effort, the work has born fruit in a world-wide scheme called globalization lead by oligarchs in Europe and America.

I have just become aware of a book which presents some of the history of the effort to subvert the American democracy. The book is Anglo-American Establishment by Quigley. I have read a thorough review of the book and look forward to reading it for myself. From reading the review, it is already clear to me that men such as Cecil Rhodes, William T. Stead, and Reginald Baliol Brett (later to be advisor to King Edward VII) conspired to bring the United States under the sway of international and specifically British financial interests once and for all. To a frightening degree they and their successors have been successful.

It is these interests to which the current U.S. administration is tied. Is it merely happenstance that the American Bushnell (Bush) family is descended from royal blood? The desire for privilege and all the powers and advantages such a position accords does not die easily. Books such as Anglo-American Establishment help show specifically how the imperial system has in some large measure persisted and out-lasted the American Revolutionary War.

I believe it is time to once again defend the American Revolution. It was for this purpose that the "Battle for Seattle" was waged in 1999 although the organizers perhaps did not say this explicity. With the world a bit wiser in 2007 than in the immediate aftermath of September 11, 2001, it would seem a good time to renew the fight to preserve an America and a world owned by all its people, not a select few. I look forward to writing more about this subject in the future.

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