King Donald

King Donald
America’s first king since George III?

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Friday, January 19, 2007

The Impeachment of Federal Officers

As Bill Moyers and others have pointed out, American political life operates in a kind of bubble with the limits of the bubble defined by a corporate media, that is a for-profit media. Thus, after the egregious Supreme Court decision of December 12, 2000, which effectively put the fascists in the White House and another in Admiral's House, true opposition to Bush became extremely difficult, especially with the leadership of one or two branches of Congress in Republican hands.

Then came the pseudo-election of 2004 with more Republican dirty tricks and a tainted result with George W. Bush once again taking the oath of office.

Even before the election of 2004 there was an organized effort to impeach George W. Bush. I have supported that idea but impeachment only after or at the same time as a Cheney impeachment as the country would never be able to stand for a President Cheney. Thus, I have never been actively involved in any particular campaign to impeach Bush.

Now comes a common-sense article by the renowned John Dean which advocates the impeachment of lower-level officers of the Bush Administration, the impeachment of Bush and Cheney being impractical in Dean's eyes. I believe this is a viewpoint well worth considering.

As I sit at home today, researching various news sources, it is clear there is quite a hubbub surrounding Alberto Gonzales, a man who is essentially nothing more than a lackey of Bush. The latest outrage is a series of politically-motivated "firings" of U.S. Attorneys General and their replacement with persons not confirmed by the U.S. Senate in violation of the Constitution but in keeping with a little-known provision of the U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act. As Attorney General, Gonzales continues to act more like the President's personal attorney and less like the people's attorney, which he is sworn to be. There is now a campaign to impeach Gonzales. Details of any high crimes and misdemeanors which he may have committed will have to be left to others to supply.

There are said to be many within the Bush administration who potentially meet the requirements for impeachment. (And let it be remembered that impeachment is only a bringing of charges, not a "conviction.")

Before concluding, I find it important to add that the hubbub in Washington is over much more than Gonzales, of course. What we are witnessing is the political implosion of the Bush administration. It is a sad thing to watch. But absent a much-needed shake-up which would be bigger than the Reagan White House shake-up of 1986, this implosion will continue. It should be obvious to any sensible person that things cannot continue on the present track. It will be interesting, to say the least, to see events unfold over the next weeks.

May God save this beautiful republic -- with malice toward none.

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