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Monday, July 17, 2006

Mexican Election Fiasco Renews Memories of Bush Installation

As one of the major candidates in the Mexican election fall-out, Manuel Lopez Obrador, turns up the heat, memories of the troubled 2000 and 2004 votes in the United States are revived. In the case of Mexico in July 2006, the candidate seen as more of the people, Obrador, has fought back. One does wonder Why didn't Al Gore do this? Or John Kerry? To answer the question swiftly, the media and political machine, coupled with voter apathy effectively doomed any protest.

After the 2004 voting, I spent a total of about forty hours researching all the returns. Because of the Internet I had access to sources, such as university statistical analyses, that most people hadn't seen in the major media. It was clear to me that had all votes been counted, John Kerry would be the winner.

Now comes the thrilling reaction of not only Senor Obrador, but the people of Mexico. They are showing more gumption than their northern neighbors. If this keeps up, the rebellion will spread across the border to the Mexicans here. This can only be good news for the effort to get out the truth about the 2000 and 2004 elections.

Please see the link below for a quite complete and up-to-date article.

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